Why Do Geese Honk When They Fly?

why do geese honk when they fly

If you’ve ever watched a flock of geese migrating you’ve probably noticed how noisy they are. The collective honks of geese will often draw us to look up at those iconic V shapes in the sky. But why do geese honk when they fly? Geese honk when they fly to communicate as a team. The … Read more

How Long Do Geese Live?

how long do geese live

Geese are large birds that you’ll often see near lakes, ponds, and wetlands. You may have noticed that like most birds, it’s quite difficult to tell how old an adult goose is. That’s probably left you wondering how long do geese live in the wild? The average life expectancy of a wild goose is 10-15 … Read more

Do Geese Have Teeth?

do Geese have teeth

If you saw a goose close up, you may have noticed what appears to be a row of teeth all around their beak and tongue. The thought of that can be terrifying, especially if they start to chase you. But do Geese have teeth? Geese do not have teeth as they are birds. Instead, they … Read more

Do Birds Fly At Night?

do birds fly at night

You know that birds are active during the day, but they seem to disappear once the sunsets. You may think that most birds will go to sleep at night, but you‘ve also heard them chirping away in the small hours of the morning. This has probably left you wondering do birds fly at night? Most … Read more

How Many Eggs Do Hummingbird Lay

How Many Eggs Do Hummingbird Lay

Hummingbirds are majestic birds to watch. They are resilient birds, often flying thousands of miles to find a good breeding ground. So how many eggs do hummingbird lay when they get here? Most female hummingbirds will lay two eggs per clutch. Some species may lay up to 3 eggs per clutch. The eggs will be … Read more

How Long Do Hummingbirds Live In The Wild?

how long do hummingbird live

Hummingbirds are amazing birds to watch in your backyard. However, have you ever noticed that it’s really difficult to tell how old a hummingbird is? So now you’re wondering how long do hummingbirds live in the wild? The average life expectancy of a wild hummingbird is 3-5 years old. The oldest known wild hummingbird lived … Read more

How Long Do Birds Live In the Wild?

how long do birds live

As a bird watcher, you enjoy birds coming to your yard every day. However, you’ll have noticed that it is pretty much impossible to tell how old a bird is. It’s probably left you wondering just how long do birds live? The average life expectancy of a wild bird is 2-20 years old. There are … Read more

Do Hummingbirds Like Petunias?

Do Hummingbirds Like Petunias?

Do hummingbirds like petunias? You may be asking yourself this if you’re planting flowers in your yard to attract more hummingbirds. As a flower native to South America, petunias are great for novice gardeners as they are easy to grow and are budget-friendly. You’ve maybe even seen some lists which have petunias as one of … Read more