Do Rabbits Hibernate in Winter?

do rabbits hibernate in winter

Wild rabbits are a common animal you’ll see everywhere during spring summer and fall. Yet in the winter months, they tend to disappear. So you may be wondering if rabbits hibernate in winter? Wild Rabbits do not hibernate in the winter months. Rabbits do not have the biological ability for long periods of dormancy. To … Read more

Do Deer Eat Hydrangeas?

Do deer eat hydrangeas

Planting hydrangeas and watching them bloom is one of life’s pleasures. Yet, you’ve found that your hydrangea plant has become a snack for a nocturnal muncher. Your suspicion is for the local Bambi but you’re wondering ‘do deer eat hydrangeas’? Deer do eat hydrangeas especially the leaves. The main part of a deer’s diet is … Read more

Do Deer Eat Pumpkins?

do deer eat pumpkins

If you’ve got some nice big pumpkins outside, you may have noticed that something has taken a nibble or two from them overnight. You suspect that it may be a deer. So now you’re wondering ‘do deer eat pumpkins? Deer do eat pumpkins especially the seeds and guts inside. As a deer’s diet consists mainly … Read more

Do Deer Hibernate?

do deer hibernate

There are several mammals that hibernate during the winter months to help them survive. If you haven’t seen any deer around during the colder months you’re probably asking yourself ‘do deer hibernate?’ Deer do not hibernate in the winter months. Deer do not have the biological ability to lay dormant for long periods of time. … Read more

What Do Deer Eat In The Wild?

what do deer eat

You may have seen deer in the wild munching away peacefully on the grass. Yet deer do most of their eating at night and it can be hard to see what food attracts them. It’s probably left you wondering what deer eat in the wild. Deer are considered herbivores and their diet mainly consists of … Read more

How To Keep Deer Out Of Your Garden

How To Keep Deer out of your Garden

Want to learn how to keep deer out of your garden? If you’re finding that deer are a nuisance in your yard, the best thing to do is to find ways to stop them from coming around. Deer are beautiful animals and because they’re so skittish, it can feel like a privilege to see one … Read more

Do Deer Eat Sunflowers?

do deer eat sunflowers

You’ve planted some lovely sunflowers in your yard and have been waiting patiently for the lovely bright flowers to appear. Only to wake one morning and find that the leaves and petals have been chomped overnight. Your suspicions are on a deer, but you’re second-guessing yourself and now thinking ‘do deer eat sunflowers?’ Deer do … Read more

Why Are Bats Important?

Why are bats important 9 benefits of bats

Bats have a reputation for being scary, creepy, and dangerous. Yet bats are one of the most misunderstood mammals. They’re actually really beneficial to humans and the environment. Let’s take a look at just why bats are important. 9 Reasons Why Bats Are Important 1. Bats are Excellent Pollinators You probably already know that been … Read more

Do Bats Have Good Eyesight?

Do bats have good eyesight?

You’ve heard the phrase ‘as blind as a bat’ right? But don’t bats catch tiny little insects in the dark night? All this confusion has left you wondering, do bats have good eyesight? Bats have excellent eyesight in low light levels. As nocturnal animals, this helps bats to see better at night. Bats rely on … Read more

What Do Bats Eat?

What do bats eat

Bats have a pretty bad reputation for being flying bloodsuckers. If you’ve seen bats flying around in your local area, you’re probably wondering what do bats eat? Most bats are insectivores which means the majority of their diet is made up of eating a variety of insects. There are thousands of bat species worldwide with … Read more